Hall of Fame



First come first serve. Those are one-time server wide challenges. To prove that you acomplished one of challenges, set of screenshoots is needed. Provide them to one of Discord Admins on our Discord server.

Be first Yuna to reach LV170 Reward: 200 Jadens Achievement
No one accomplished this challenge yet!
Be first Yuna to equip full Praised Gear set including weapon Reward: 200 Jadens Items
No one accomplished this challenge yet!
Be first Yuna to refine full Praised Gear set including weapon to +15 Reward: 400 Jadens Items
No one accomplished this challenge yet!
Be first to complete Star Envoy in Craft->Collection Reward: 300 Jadens Achievement
No one accomplished this challenge yet!
Be first to obtain Trail version of Ink Snow esper Reward: 300 Jadens Achievement
No one accomplished this challenge yet!
Be first Zephyr to reach LV170 Reward: 200 Jadens Achievement
花落相思起丶闹闹 is the winner! Link
Be first Zephyr to equip full Praised Gear set including weapon Reward: 200 Jadens Items
枕上梦魂惊丶闹闹 is the winner! Link
Be first Zephyr to refine full Praised Gear set including weapon to +15 Reward: 400 Jadens Items
τ_杨枝甘露η is the winner! Link
Be first Zephyr to finish Five Sins T12 solo (video proff required) Reward: 300 Jadens Achievement
ι璀璨ν九州ζ is the winner! Link
Be first Zephyr to finish Soul Odyssey T15 solo (video proff required) Reward: 400 Jadens Achievement
No one accomplished this challenge yet!
Be first to obtain "Master of Oaths" achievement. Reward: 400 Jadens Achievement
教授ι is the winner! Link
Be first to obtain "Pet Loyality" achievement. Reward: 400 Jadens Achievement
ι灬吴烟祖ν is the winner! Link
Be first to obtain "Oathsmith" achievement. Reward: 400 Jadens Achievement
ι灬吴烟祖ν is the winner! Link
Be first to obtain LV30 Motif Jade. Reward: 400 Jadens Items
No one accomplished this challenge yet!
Be first to achieve 999 Gold Resets at Mystery Shop. Reward: 400 Jadens Achievement
No one accomplished this challenge yet!
Be first to achieve 999 Jaden Resets at Mystery Shop. Reward: 400 Jadens Achievement
No one accomplished this challenge yet!
Be first to complete "Fire Box·Treasure" collection. Reward: 400 Jadens Achievement
No one accomplished this challenge yet!
Be first to complete Lil Baba biography quests. Reward: 400 Jadens Achievement
No one accomplished this challenge yet!
Be first to reach LV170 Reward: 400 Jadens Achievement
Eren is the winner! Link
Be first Human to reach LV170 Reward: 300 Jadens Achievement
Fryson is the winner! Link
Be first Athan to reach LV170 Reward: 300 Jadens Achievement
τ碧瑶 is the winner! Link
Be first Etherkin to reach LV170 Reward: 300 Jadens Achievement
Eren is the winner! Link
Be first Deikin to reach LV170 Reward: 300 Jadens Achievement
τ依然 is the winner! Link
Be first to obtain and wear full Astrum (non honor version) set Reward: 400 Jadens Items
Angel is the winner! Link
Be first to unlock all slots in all four Constellations Reward: 500 Jadens Achievement
Angel is the winner! Link
Be first to get LV 5/5 Skill Star Reward: 700 Jadens Items
Eren is the winner! Link
Refine badge to +16 Reward: 300 Jadens Items
Gyci is the winner! Link
Refine any weapon to +15 (excluding Badge) Reward: 400 Jadens Items
Gyci is the winner! Link
Refine any boots to +15 (excluding Badge) Reward: 400 Jadens Items
Divine is the winner! Link
Refine any chest to +15 (excluding Badge) Reward: 400 Jadens Items
Angel is the winner! Link
Refine any helmet to +15 (excluding Badge) Reward: 400 Jadens Items
Angel is the winner! Link
Refine any weapon to +16 (excluding Badge) Reward: 500 Jadens Items
Robert丶 is the winner! Link
Refine any boots to +16 (excluding Badge) Reward: 500 Jadens Items
Suka is the winner! Link
Refine any chest to +16 (excluding Badge) Reward: 500 Jadens Items
Gyci is the winner! Link
Refine any helmet to +16 (excluding Badge) Reward: 500 Jadens Items
Fryson is the winner! Link
Refine any weapon to +17 Reward: 500 Jadens Items
Gyci is the winner! Link
Refine any chest to +17 Reward: 500 Jadens Items
Gyci is the winner! Link
Refine any boots to +17 Reward: 500 Jadens Items
Gyci is the winner! Link
Refine any helmet to +17 Reward: 500 Jadens Items
Gyci is the winner! Link
Refine any item to +17 (excluding Badge) Reward: 600 Jadens Items
Gyci is the winner! Link
Finish 6 pvp events with 999 infamy at the end of each Reward: 400 Jadens War
梦碎人未醒丶闹闹 is the winner! Link
Have at least 50.000.000 Gold in Bank Notes Reward: 400 Jadens Wealth
Eren is the winner! Link
Fill all reputation achievements in Growth -> Reputation. Reward: 400 Jadens Achievement
No one accomplished this challenge yet!
Fill all honor achievements in Growth -> Honor. Reward: 500 Jadens Achievement
Gyci is the winner! Link
Fill all achievements in War -> World Boss. Reward: 400 Jadens Achievement
No one accomplished this challenge yet!
Fill all achievements in Craft -> Pet Craft. Reward: 400 Jadens Achievement
No one accomplished this challenge yet!
Obtan Rank 9 in new Achievement System. Reward: 600 Jadens Achievement
Gyci is the winner! Link
Obtan Rank 10 in new Achievement System. Reward: 1000 Jadens Achievement
Gyci is the winner! Link
Get 'Red Sword' near your nickname from Charity Reward: 400 Jadens Achievement
Ziliqa is the winner! Link
Maximize Starsoul stats Reward: 400 Jadens Achievement
Zu is the winner! Link
Get full level 9 Seals on boots, weapon, armor and helmet Reward: 500 Jadens Items
Eren is the winner! Link
Maximize all Romance skills Reward: 200 Jadens Skills
No one accomplished this challenge yet!
Maximize all Expertise skills Reward: 200 Jadens Skills
月光下de魔术师 is the winner! Link
Maximize all Life -> Crafting skills Reward: 400 Jadens Skills
Gyci is the winner! Link
Be 1st to obtain "Willing To Take The Bait" achievement Reward: 500 Jadens Skills
No one accomplished this challenge yet!
Be 2nd to obtain "Willing To Take The Bait" achievement Reward: 400 Jadens Skills
No one accomplished this challenge yet!
Be 3rd to obtain "Willing To Take The Bait" achievement Reward: 300 Jadens Skills
No one accomplished this challenge yet!
Achieve last Mystic Set attribute bonus Reward: 500 Jadens Skills
ι只谈爱不做爱 is the winner! Link
Achieve at least 9.75% average Resonance bonus Reward: 500 Jadens Skills
No one accomplished this challenge yet!
Achieve 100% in all Four Spirits Reward: 500 Jadens Skills
教授ι is the winner! Link
Fill Whirlwind Valley Exploration chapter completly Reward: 500 Jadens Skills
半夜三更爬上身丶 is the winner! Link
Maximize clan glory Reward: 400 Jadens Clan
陈平安 is the winner! Link
Maximize common clan skills Reward: 200 Jadens Clan
Eren is the winner! Link
Maximize all advanced clan skills Reward: 500 Jadens Clan
李富贵 is the winner! Link
Reach level 3 alliance power icon Reward: 300 Jadens Alliance
gre is the winner! Link
Reach level 4 alliance power icon Reward: 400 Jadens Alliance
gre is the winner! Link
Reach level 5 alliance power icon Reward: 600 Jadens Alliance
gre is the winner! Link